Poincaré’s inequality for odd and periodic functions

Poincaré’s inequality for odd functions \(u:[-1,1]\to\mathbb{R}\) that satify the periodicity condition


states that

\[\int_{-1}^1 \vert u'(x) \vert^2 {\rm d}x \geq \pi^2 \int_0^1 \vert u(x) \vert^2 {\rm d}x.\]

In this example, we verify that the constant \(\pi^2\) on the right-hand side is optimal, in the sense that it is the optimal value for the optimization problem

\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} \max_{\nu} \quad &\nu\\ \text{subject to} \quad &\int_{-1}^1 \left[ \vert u'(x) \vert^2 -\nu \vert u(x) \vert^2 \right] {\rm d}x \geq 0, \quad u\in C^1([0,1],\mathbb{R}),\, \begin{cases} u(-1)=u(1), \\ u(-x)=-u(x). \end{cases} \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

The aim of this example is to show how QUINOPT can handle symmetry constraints on the dependent variables.

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1. Create the variables

As usual, we start by clearing the workspace, YALMIP’s and QUINOPT’s internal variables, and creating the variables for the problem:

>> clear
>> yalmip clear
>> quinopt clear
>> x = indvar(-1,1);     % the integration variable with domain [-1,1]
>> u = depvar(x);        % the dependent variable u(x)
>> parameters nu;        % the optimization variable nu

2. Set up the inequality

To set up Poincaré’s inequality constraint, first we specify the integrand:

>> EXPR = u(x,1)^2 - nu*u(x)^2;

Then, we set the boundary and symmetry conditions on \(u(x)\). The periodic boundary conditions is enforced as \(u(-1)-u(1)=0\), while the symmetry condition can be enforced using the command assume():

>> BC = [ u(-1)-u(1) ];
>> assume(u,'odd')


Other valid assumptions are assume(u,'even') to assume that \(u(x)\) is even, and assume(u,'none') to remove any previous assumption. Moreover, when the domain of the independent variable used to construct the dependent variable u is a generic interval \([a,b]\) rather than a symmetric interval \([-a,a]\), the symmetry condition set with the command assume() is relative to the midpoint of the domain, \((a+b)/2\).

3. Solve the problem

To solve the problem and maximize \(\nu\), we use the command quinopt() with three arguments: EXPR, BC and the objective function. Since QUINOPT minimizes the specified objective function, instead of maximizing \(\nu\) we minimize \(-\nu\).

>> quinopt(EXPR,BC,-nu);       % Maximize nu (by minimizing -nu)
>> value(nu)/pi^2              % Get the optimal value (in units of pi^2)

With the default parameters in QUINOPT, we obtain \(\nu_{\rm opt} = 0.8184 \,\pi^2\), i.e. the optimal solution returned by QUINOPT is within 81.8% of true optimum \(\nu_{\rm exact}=\pi^2\). In fact, we can refine the approximation of the integral inequalities by increasing the number of Legendre coefficients used by QUINOPT to expand them. We do this by setting the option options.N, as in the previous example:

>> options.N = 5;              % Use N=5 expansion coefficients
>> quinopt(EXPR,BC,-nu);       % Maximize nu (by minimizing -nu)
>> value(nu)/pi^2              % Get the optimal value (in units of pi^2)

The optimal value of \(\nu\) returned by QUINOPT in this case is \(\nu_{\rm opt} = 0.999965 \,\pi^2\), meaning that the numerical optimum is essentially indistinguishable from the true optimum \(\nu_{\rm exact}=\pi^2\). Setting options.N to larger values further improves the numerical optimum (note that roundoff errors might result in a numerical optimum that is slightly larger than the exact solution).

4. Summary

In summary, the optimal constant for Poincaré’s inequality for odd, periodic functions can be determined with the following simple lines of code:

>> % Set up the variables
>> clear
>> quinopt clear
>> x = indvar(-1,1);
>> u = depvar(x);
>> parameters nu;
>> % Build the inequality
>> EXPR = u(x,1)^2 - nu*u(x)^2;
>> BC = [ u(-1)-u(1) ];
>> assume(u,'odd')
>> % Solve with the default parameters
>> quinopt(EXPR,BC,-nu);
>> value(nu)/pi^2
>> % Refine the solution: solve with N=5 expansion coefficients
>> options.N = 5;
>> quinopt(EXPR,BC,-nu,options);
>> value(nu)/pi^2