Feasibility of an integral inequality

One of the most basic applications of QUINOPT is to determine the value of a parameter such that a homogeneous quadratic integral functional is positive. Here, we demonstrate how to use QUINOPT to find a value \(\gamma\) such that

\[\int_0^1 \left[ \vert u'(x) \vert^2 +\gamma\,u'(x)\,u(x) + \vert u(x) \vert^2 \right] {\rm d}x \geq 0\]

for all differentiable functions \(u(x)\). Clearly, possible choices are \(\gamma=0\), \(\gamma=-2\), or \(\gamma=2\) (in the last two cases the integrand is a perfect square).

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1. Create the variables

The first step to use QUINOPT is to set up the problem variables. These are the integration variable \(x\in[0,1]\) (the independent variable), the unknown function \(u(x)\) (the dependent variable), and the optimization parameter \(\gamma\).

First, we create the independent variable \(x\in[0,1]\) using the command indvar(), as

>> x = indvar(0,1);                     % Create the independent variable with domain [0,1]

Then, we set up the dependent variable \(u(x)\) using the command depvar():

>> u = depvar(x);                       % Create the dependent variable u(x)

Finally, we set up the optimization parameter \(\gamma\) using the command parameters

>> parameters gamma;                    % Create the optimization variable gamma


The commands indvar() and depvar() return MATLAB objects of class @indvar and @depvar, respectively. While the @indvar class behaves like a usual YALMIP variable, the @depvar class is specific to QUINOPT and does not behave like a YALMIP variable. Instead, it is intended to be used only as shown in the following.

2. Set up the inequality

Once the variables have been set up, we can set up the inequality. This is done in QUINOPT by constructing the integrand expression.

>> EXPR = u(x,1)^2 + gamma*u(x,1)*u(x) + u(x)^2;        % Create the integrand

In the expression above, the syntax u(x,DER) is used to specify the derivative of \(u(x)\) of order DER. In other words, u(x,1) is the first derivative of \(u(x)\).


The integration interval has already been specified when defining the independent variable.

3. Solve the problem with QUINOPT

Once the variables and the integrand of the inequality have been set up, a value of \(\gamma\) for which the integral functional is positive semidefinite can be found using the command quinopt(), together with YALMIP’s command value()

>> quinopt(EXPR);       % Solve the problem
>> value(gamma)         % Extract the value of gamma

4. Summary

In summary, a feasible value \(\gamma\) such that the integral inequality at the top of the page holds can be found using the following simple commands:

>> x = indvar(0,1);                                     % Create the independent variable with domain [0,1]
>> u = depvar(x);                                       % Create the dependent variable u(x)
>> parameters gamma;                                    % Create the optimization variable gamma
>> EXPR = u(x,1)^2 + gamma*u(x,1)*u(x) + u(x)^2;        % Create the integrand
>> quinopt(EXPR);                                       % Solve the problem
>> value(gamma)                                         % Extract the value of gamma