Feasibility of an integral inequality with boundary conditions

We now revisit the previous example to show how to specify boundary conditions on the dependent variables. Specifically, we demonstrate how to use QUINOPT to find the minimum value \(\gamma\) such that

\[\int_0^1 \left[ \vert u'(x) \vert^2 +\gamma\,u'(x)\,u(x) + \vert u(x) \vert^2 \right] {\rm d}x \geq 0\]

for all differentiable functions \(u(x)\) that satisfy the boundary conditions

\[u'(0) = 0, \quad \text{and} \quad u(1)=0.\]

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1. Clear the workspace

Before we solve a new example, it is good practice to clear the variables from the workspace using MATLAB’s clear command. Moreover, to prevent the build-up of unused internal variables in QUINOPT, it is useful to clear QUINOPT’s internal variables using the command quinopt clear:

>> clear
>> quinopt clear

2. Create the variables

As in the previous example, we create the independent variable \(x\in[0,1]\), the dependent variable \(u(x)\), and the optimization parameter \(\gamma\):

>> x = indvar(0,1);
>> u = depvar(x);
>> parameters gamma;

3. Set up the inequality

As in the previous example, we begin by constructing the integrand expression.

>> EXPR = u(x,1)^2 + gamma*u(x,1)*u(x) + u(x)^2;        % Create the integrand

The boundary condition can be specified through a vector BC, which is interpreted internally as the element-wise condition BC=0:

>> BC(1) = [u(0,1)];    % Create the boundary condition u'(0)=0
>> BC(2) = [u(1)];      % Create the boundary condition u(1)=0


The syntax u(POINT,DER) is used to specify the derivative of \(u(x)\) of order DER, evaluated at the point POINT. Possible values of POINT are the independent variable of integration x, or the extrema of the domain of integration, in this case 0 and 1.

4. Solve the problem with QUINOPT

Once the variables and the integrand of the inequality have been set up, a value of \(\gamma\) for which the integral functional is positive semidefinite can be found using the command quinopt() with two inputs:

>> quinopt(EXPR,BC);    % Solve the problem
>> value(gamma)         % Extract the value of gamma

5. Summary

In summary, a feasible value \(\gamma\) such that the integral inequality at the top of the page holds can be found using the following simple commands:

>> clear                                           % Clear workspace
>> quinopt clear                                   % Clear QUINOPT internals
>> x = indvar(0,1);                                % Create the independent variable with domain [0,1]
>> u = depvar(x);                                  % Create the dependent variable u(x)
>> parameters gamma;                               % Create the optimization variable gamma
>> EXPR = u(x,1)^2 + gamma*u(x,1)*u(x) + u(x)^2;   % Create the integrand
>> BC(1) = [u(0,1)];                               % Create the boundary condition u'(0)=0
>> BC(2) = [u(1)];                                 % Create the boundary condition u(1)=0
>> quinopt(EXPR,BC);                               % Solve the problem
>> value(gamma)                                    % Extract the value of gamma